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On our travels in Sweden we stayed with the sweetest family during our visit to Lund.  The Sassi family happily welcomed us into their home and made us feel right at home.  As soon as we arrived, the oldest brother Lucas gave up his afternoon just to show us around the town and let us be the typical tourist – with our cameras in tow.  He had to put up with us stopping every 3 minutes to take a photo and squeal over the iconic architecture of the town (be on the lookout for our post about Lund!).  I’m sure it was equal parts humiliation and hilarity on his behalf to be seen with the crazy American tourists!

So, to thank him for putting up with us, we did an impromptu session that very night in the fields behind his house.  The sun was leaking it’s last rays of golden light into the world and we took advantage of its beauty! We also couldn’t get enough of Lucas’ tattoos – many of which he did himself.  They’re a beautiful expression of his soul that he shows to the world.

love, a

Lucas Sassi : Lund – Skåne – Sweden
